INTRODUCTIONThe eye is an important organ of the human body, which also manages one of our most important senses that is known as VISION. Without eye we cannot experience the beauty of the world. Eye is one of the most important asset of human without eye it is very difficult to survive and maintain day to day work like cooking, reading book, finding a friend in a group or crowd. Eye is like a window which makes us feel connected to the world. But do you really know how is the functioning of eye occurs? or how can we know that our eye is actually healthy or not? In this blog we will know about the structure of an eye, functioning of an eye, common problem with eye and some tips to maintain healthy eye sight.


So let’s start with the structure of an eye. So eye is a very complex organ which is made up of various parts and nerves which all work together to provide us a clear eye sight. There are majorly 8 parts in eye which are known as –

Cornea: It is a transparent and half circular shaped surface at the front of the eye that helps in focus light as it enters.

Pupil: Pupil is that circular opening in the center of the iris (another important part of eye)      that can adjust to control the entering of light.

Iris:  Iris most beautiful part of the eye or the colored part of the eye which covers the Pupil. Iris help to maintain and control the amount of light reaching the retina (another important part of eye).  Iris also regulate the size of pupil.

Lens:  Lens is placed just behind the iris. Lens help to focus the light in to retina, and adjust the shape to ensure the things or object at distance are visible clearly.

Retina: Retina is a layer which is light sensitive which is positioned at the back of the eye. Retina captures the information and sends the information to the brain through optic nerve.

Optic Nerve: Optic Nerve is like a delivering agent which transfer information to brain through electrical signals.

Macula:  Macula is that part of eye which is responsible for clear vision.

Sclera: Sclera is that white part of the eye which structures the eye and protects it.

Each and every part of eye plays very important role to provide us clear vision

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It is interesting to know that how eye work. Here is the step-by-step explanation of how eye works actually.

Entering of light in eye:  When light hits object and reflect and enter through the cornea. It is the first step.

Refraction: Refraction is that process in which cornea and lens focus the light on retina.

Image Formation:  Image formation occurs when light transform into electrical signal.

Information transfer: Retina send information to brain with help of optic nerve.

Processing: Brain process the electric signals and create and create a image of what we are seeing.

We can say the working process of camera and eye is very much similar or we can say camera is inspired from eye.


As eye is very important organ of the body it may get affected with various problems. Some common problems of eye are mentioned bellow

Nearsightedness Myopia: Nearsightedness occur when light focuses on retina instead directly on it. In Nearsightedness people cants see distance object clearly so in this case eye glasses are majorly prescribed.

Farsightedness (Hyperopia): In this condition patient feel difficult to see the object nearby. In this condition corrective lens surgery are majorly preferred.

Cataract: When lens of eye gets blur this condition is known as Cataract this leads to blurry vision. This problem majorly occur in old age people this can get treated with surgery and replacing the real one with arterial one.

Glaucoma: This condition affect optic nerve this condition occur due to high pressure in eye, if this remains untreated and ignored it can cause up to permanent vision loss. So early detection is essential for preventing further damage.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): This Condition directly affects the macula (Macula is very important part of human eye macula is responsible for clear vision) AMD can lead to a gradual loss of center vision. AMD cause difficulty in day-to-day activity like driving and reading. Regular eye checkup can detect AMD.

Conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis or pink eye is a very common problem in people now days this happen majorly by infection & allergies  and cause redness, itching and discharge from eye. 

Astigmatism: This condition generally occurs by an irregular shaped cornea or lens which leads to vision problem Astigmatism can cause both distance and nearby object blurry. This can get corrected by lens, glasses or an eye surgery.


As eye is one of the most important organs of human body, without eye we cannot experience this beautiful nature and world it is our responsibility to keep our eye healthy. Here are some important tips to maintain our eye healthy.

Regular eye test: We should regularly visit an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) for early detection of major eye problem such as glaucoma, cataract, and macular degeneration. if this problems didn’t get treated early this can cause permanent blindness.

Eat a balance Diet: A healthy diet is essential for a healthy eye diet should be balanced of vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Take a break from screen time: High Screen time can cause eye damage to prevent this problem you can follow 20-20-20 rule. This rule says in every 20 minute take a break of 20 seconds and look to an object In 20 feet. This rule can help you.

Quiet Smoking: Do you know Smoking is not only harming your lungs but also your eye sight smoking increase the rate of developing cataract, AMD and other eye problem. If you smoke try to stop smoking and lead a healthy life.

Stay Hydrated: Be hydrated drinking water keeps your eye hydrated and prevent your eye from getting red & dry.


Human eye is very important part of our body without eye we cannot experience the beauty of nature. If we cannot see properly we cannot do our day-to-day work by our-self. We should remember Vision is invaluable we should take care of it.

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